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  • Writer's pictureTom Rannachan

Secrets of Manifesting

Updated: Apr 9

It is said that we are here in this physical existence to learn, to flourish & survive while experiencing a brief glimpse of this tactile world that will help us on our eternal spiritual journey through many lifetimes. Sadly so many humans don't get to see much of this life & leave early & many only experience tragedy & negativity while here. It's very unfair & the only comfort I gain is from personally knowing that life here is not the end of the overall journey.

I've actually always felt angry when I pondered the big questions on why bad things happen on earth & the older I got I realized that no one in this existence knows the answer to that question. Everybody is literally winging it with their theories & excuses. Life seems to be a cruel series of random events that we mostly have no control over.

However, in recent years while searching for more answers, I learned about something quite amazing that can help many of us improve our well being while we exist in this life: I learned that manifesting is a real phenomenon.

Let me state that I had never believed in manifesting in my life & to be perfectly honest, always thought it was some new age bull***t fad. People who know me know I've always needed proof before I would believe anything out there. Although I've spent my entire life dedicated to spirituality, I've always remained rational & even skeptical at times with all things esoteric. So, it came as a great surprise to me when I saw the incredible results certain folk achieved through manifesting. After a short period where I witnessed it happen in front of me continuously, I thought to myself "I need to learn this & show it to folk."

I have to add here that it was a certain type of person I witnessed successfully manifest money, objects & outcomes in their lives over & over again & it certainly wasn't through simply repeating morning affirmations.

So, who were these people I'm speaking about & what was their secret? I'll try explain...

From around 2007 to 2011 I had a couple of regular clients who were big celebrities...a couple of music stars, a sports star & some film actors. It was a very weird time indeed & came about when I had a book published that attracted some attention & I did a one to one session for someone connected to Hollywood who was very impressed & soon after came the secretive emails setting up the sessions. It transpired that this would all be an important lesson for me.

From my limited experience there are two different types of major celebrity: There are of course those who are a wee bit more down to earth who work tirelessly to stay at their level or climb higher & there are the bigger 'stars'. The 'A Listers'. I only met & worked with a couple of them but that was more than enough!

I found the A-Listers were of a different energy from the rest of us. These people would do anything to remain at the top of the tree & I mean anything. They all lived very strange lifestyles & existed completely in their own circle where their every whim was catered for by sycophants.

And here is the secret I learned from them; I found they had such an incredible self belief in themselves & a genuine sense that they were the absolute center of the universe. The negative side of this is that they had all learned to master pretending to be nice & literally hated their own celebrity 'friends' & most folk around them.

There is no doubt these people seemed to attract more money & opportunities than anyone I'd met in my life. They would tell me they wanted to manifest a new car or a film role & it would happen. Even their kids - many of whom had no discernible talent I could see - attracted money & success continuously too, much of it achieved without their parent's help. They all simply knew they would succeed & then it would just manifest. Some of their children were raised to believe they could have anything they desired & this gave them an absolute sense of self importance that helped them succeed. Of course as in life there are exceptions but the families I worked with personally would manifest things constantly.

So how did they do it & how can we? well, it was actually very simple.... As I've already said, they believed wholeheartedly in themselves & failure wasn't a thought. They completely expected things to work out in their favor & I'd say 90% of the time it did. They had an unshakable belief in the outcome of their success without any doubts whatsoever. No backing down. no analyzing, no apprehension, they just accepted manifesting as part of their lives & waited for it to happen.

It would of course be easy to say that they achieved results due to their wealth & fame but this was definitely not the case & I'd advise anybody who wishes to manifest to get that self defeating idea out of their head.

I noticed that they were strangely all very careful with their money too. (Absolute tight arses if I'm honest) They had millions in their accounts but knew that people would give them everything for free because of who they were... Their entourage would spend much of each day phoning & emailing around to find freebies for them. They literally paid for nothing - And they were shocked when I dared ask to be paid for the sessions!

To achieve this level of results means the belief has to be on a deeper real level - it has to be within us. We have to release the influences of many of our peers, surroundings, even family members' beliefs that hold us back from successful outcomes. Up to the age of seven we are in a dreamlike state where we absorb everything & I can say for certain I absorbed some very negative beliefs & triggers & so has many others. We have to stop being that child & break the mental chains of our past that prevent our manifestations. I noticed that every one of the top celebrities seemed very focused on now & the future. They didn't like to talk much about their past.

1:Wake up in the morning believing that the things you want are here already. I mean REALLY believe it!! Act as if you are waiting on a delivery of what you are manifesting. See it as something you have to work without for now but rest assured it will arrive soon. No affirmations are needed just expect the outcome.

2: Make sure your manifestations are obtainable! Don't just sit & wish for millions or a miracle to happen like a child would. There are some things that cannot be altered.

Imagine what you want first, visualize, feel it, create & BELIEVE wholeheartedly. And here's the surprise... Living it completely will move it from your conscious to subconscious. Once you've settled on your (obtainable) goal then forget thinking about not having it! Just live every day & let it manifest. It WILL happen. Do not time it. Let it flow into your life.

3: And here's the real secret... work hard! We are the co-authors of our own destiny. I found that many celebrities worked tirelessly on their facade to the outside world & thought about themselves every moment of the day. Learn to do this without ego. Just accept that you are more than worthy of anything you wish to manifest.

We humans are not created to live in scarcity & suffer or feel guilty about earning or success. This belief has all been forced upon us by religious dogma & those wishing to control us. The Universal spiritual power has bestowed us here with the abilities, the means & an existence in the physical realm where we have choice & opportunities that we can take control & create.

Manifest, help you & yours first & then aid others. It is the way of the Universe.

Don't listen to me go do it....Think like an A Lister & believe in your worth.



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